
Have you ever loved yourself so deeply that you couldn’t think of anything else?


It hasn’t always been this way for me.

In fact, in the past I hated being me.

I felt like a hopeless creature trying to do something

Focusing on “something” made me forget about everything.

I forgot the life I got, the person who I was

I forgot why I was here, I completely lost my cause.

But things are different now, not smooth but fun

Like a roller coaster ride maybe, terrifying but fun.

This change came in because of a various reasons

It definitely took time, if truth be told, it took seasons.

Yet, it was all absolutely worth it

I felt so much alive after it all, I admit.

However the sole cause of me being happy today

Is that I believe in myself everyday.

I believe, I’m strong and I’m beautiful

Trust me, it does make me more stronger and beautiful.

I believe in doing something great and not just a thing

It helps me improve and makes me enjoy everything.

Believing in oneself can make us all unstoppable

It also simultaneously makes us joyous yet responsible.

Believing that you’re special will make you the real YOU

Let’s fall in love again in a way so new.