
Striving to reach a destination I’m not sure even exists.


Looking for a quiet place

A place for mind space.

A place where my soul is at peace

Where I have my own think piece.

A place where my dreams are understood

Where I’m fearless and stand withstood.

A somewhere that defines my mind state

Somewhere I can find my imaginative state.

A path for my perseverance

A plateau for thought clearance.

A home for family and love

A sky where flies the white dove.

Looking for a quiet place

A place for mind space.


No two flowers bloom at the same time.


Some flowers are born in the wild

While some are born in weathers mild.

Some are plucked too soon and left to die

While some can really standby.

Every flower too is one of a kind.

Then why do we compare and grind?

Each bud blooms when it is it’s time

Every mountain has a different climb.

We all are here to live a different life

Then why mix it at all and create strife?

Live a joyous life, for you are here for that.

It’s a long journey, hold on to your hat.


The Life Ahead!

Because, I’m made for more! 🙂


Yes, there’s a lot to do today

But it’s a long day anyway.

Can I put that phone away?

Can I go out to dance and sway?

Swearing on myself to live

But I don’t even have the time to give?

What kind of a living is this?

When I can’t call my mom and just miss?

A moment of joy stays forever

How many moments do I remember?

So many years of life yet a few memories

So much time has passed but no stories.

It’s revolutionary how people live their lives

I don’t want to just be remembered as archives.

All of us get the same 24 hours

And all of us have some special powers.

Let’s make it large while we have this time

For this is the time that will make us sublime.


What’s life without happiness?


Why is happiness so tough to achieve?

What is that we have to give to receive?

Receive the satisfaction, the joy?

Why can’t we always enjoy?

They say, those always happy are lazy

But what is life like if one is sad or dizzy?

Yes, we should break our mental barriers

Break our comfort zones without being worriers.

But what’s more important is to enjoy the life we live 

The comfort we’ve got and the love we give.

It’s important to know the value of our life

More than reaching out for more with strife.

Essential to know sorrow and enchantment

And accept life the way we get it, with contentment.


For today, when I woke up I didn’t want to exist but live.


Work, eat and sleep

Waking up on alarm beep.

Run, earn, look good

Don’t smile, wear that hood.

Don’t laugh, don’t feel

Be hurt, but don’t heal.

Don’t take a break

Time to be awake.

Don’t explore, no curiosity

Understand your work intensity.

It’s time to sleep, go to bed

Listen, obey, don’t use your head.

Mind language, don’t take much time

Be the best! Be sublime!

Leaving this existence far behind

I come out as strong and kind.

Keeping that fear away

And making special my today.

With taking less and more of giving

Now I guess, my life I’m living.